
PumpBin is an Implant Generation Platform.

To use PumpBin, you need to have a b1n file or Create One.
A b1n file contains one or more binary implant templates, along with some Extism Plug-in and some additional descriptive information.
We usually refer to b1n file as Plugin and wasm file as Extism Plug-in.

The plug-in repository collects reusable PumpBin Extism Plug-in.

  • Powerful, simple, and comfortable UI
  • Following the minimal principle to ensure maximum flexibility in usage
  • Support two Plugin types: Local and Remote
  • Support Extism Plug-in System, offering powerful extensibility
  • Each generated implant has a different random encryption key
  • Populated with randomized data, each generated implant is unique
  • We have user manual, you no longer need to educate your users
  • No dependencies, just PumpBin
  • Support description, you can write anything about this Plugin
  • No network connection(excluding Extism Plug-in)
  • ... And I'm PumpBin, I have magic🪄


The site is generated using mdBook, hosted on GitHub.
If you write an article about PumpBin, please submit an issue, and I'll consider linking to your article :)