Quick Start

In this chapter, we will create a Local type Plugin and understand how PumpBin works.

Plugins of type Local have their shellcode stored inside the final implant. This has certain stability advantages, but the shellcode is also easily extracted and analyzed.

PumpBin will read the shellcode file and dynamically patch the encrypted shellcode into the binary implant template according to the encryption settings. The random password used for encryption will also be patched.

So PumpBin is essentially a binary data search and replace tool. This implementation requires that placeholder data be placed in the binary implant in advance, and once the compilation is complete, the length of the placeholder data cannot be changed.

In general, we make the shellcode placeholder data slightly larger than the required length (if you know the length of the shellcode to be used). There are two reasons for this:

  1. For greater compatibility (if the Plugin shellcode placeholder is shorter than the encrypted shellcode, the Plugin will not be able to use this shellcode)
  2. The extra space is not useless, PumpBin will fill it with random data to ensure that each implant is unique

Create binary implant template

I will use create_thread from rust-shellcode as the code to load.

Clone rust-shellcode

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/b1nhack/rust-shellcode.git

Go to the create_thread directory

cd rust-shellcode
cd create_thread

Compile and run, test if it loads the demo shellcode successfully
By default, w64-exec-calc-shellcode-func.bin will be run, and you should see the calc program start.

cargo r

We need to replace w64-exec-calc-shellcode-func with shellcode placeholder data.
Create build.rs in the create_thread directory and paste the following code

use std::{fs, iter};

fn main() {
    let mut shellcode = "$$SHELLCODE$$".as_bytes().to_vec();
    shellcode.extend(iter::repeat(b'0').take(1024 * 1024));
    fs::write("shellcode", shellcode.as_slice()).unwrap();

This will generate a placeholder data of about 1 MiB, and it starts with $$SHELLCODE$$ (we call it Prefix, PumpBin uses it to locate the placeholder data, so Prefix needs to be unique, PumpBin will use the first match).

Replace line 11 of main.rs with the following code to include the placeholder data

let shellcode = include_bytes!("../shellcode");

Since the shellcode will be filled with random data, we need to know the length of the shellcode to correctly extract the shellcode.

Add the following code after line 11 of main.rs

const SIZE_HOLDER: &str = "$$99999$$";
let shellcode_len = usize::from_str_radix(SIZE_HOLDER, 10).unwrap();
let shellcode = &shellcode[0..shellcode_len];

We added a constant string reference, $$99999$$ is also a Prefix, but we prefer to call it a Place Holder, because it will be completely replaced. (Prefix will be completely replaced with valid data + random data, while Place Holder will be completely replaced with valid data)

With the length information of the shellcode, we can get the correct shellcode. Compile the modified create_thread project, and we will get a simple binary implant template.

cargo b -r

Create Plugin

Now that we have a simple binary implant template, we can use PumpBin Maker to create a Plugin that only contains a Windows Exe

Plugin Name: Enter first_plugin. (This field is the unique identifier for the plugin, which means that users cannot install two plugins with the same name at the same time.)

Prefix: Enter $$SHELLCODE$$. (This is the Prefix of the shellcode placeholder data we used above. You can use any Prefix you like, as long as it is unique or the first one to be matched.)

Max Len: Fill in the total size of the shellcode placeholder data, which in this case should be 1024*1024 + the size of the prefix = 1048589. (Unit: Bytes)

Type: Select Local, Size Holder: Fill in $$99999$$. (This is the constant string reference we used above to determine the length of the shellcode. You can use any Size Holder you like. The rules are the same as above.)

Windows Exe: Select the binary implant template we compiled above. (You can also directly enter the file path)

Click Generate, save the generated b1n file

Test Plugin

Install the plugin created with PumpBin and use w64-exec-calc-shellcode-func to generate a final implant. You should see the calc program start.

At this point, we have created a plugin of type Local and understood how PumpBin works.

The next chapter will introduce the encryption system in PumpBin. The encryption process is transparent to the user and is determined by the Plugin developer and handled by PumpBin.

The complete project files for this example are available in the PumpBin code repository at examples/create_thread.