
Encrypt the original shellcode.

Function Name



  "shellcode": []

The shellcode is a byte array and is the original shellcode.


  "encrypted": [],
  "pass": [
      "holder": [],
      "replace_by": []
      "holder": [],
      "replace_by": []

encrypted is a byte array, which is the encrypted shellcode.

pass is an array of the following json structure, which is used to patch the encrypted password in the binary implant template (some encryption methods have multiple passwords, so it is an array):

    "holder": [],
    "replace_by": []

The holder is a byte array and is a placeholder for the password in the decryption function of the binary implant template. When sharing a plug-in, please inform how to correctly set the password in the decryption function. For example, aes256-gcm in the plug-in repository has the following README content:

nonce: $$NNNNNNNN$$

The above content shows that when using the aes256-gcm plug-in, the key in the AES256-GCM decryption function of the binary implant template needs to be set to $$KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK$$, and the nonce to $$NNNNNNNN$$.

The replace_by is a byte array and is the encryption password. A random encryption password can be generated in the plug-in so that each generated final implant has a unique encryption password.